2024-08-28 12:21:40·[??中关村在线 原创??]·作者:牛奶秋刀鱼
近日,著名游戏开发商Gearbox的首席执行官Randy Pitchford在社交媒体上回应了关于《小缇娜的奇幻之地》是一款失败游戏的说法。他指出,《小缇娜的奇幻之地》并非失败之作,因为销量并不是衡量游戏成功与否的唯一标准,并且Gearbox已经给予了该游戏足够的支持。
(英文原文:Recently, Gearboxs CEO Randy Pitchford responded to claims that "Tiny Tinas Wonderlands" was a failed game. He stated that sales are not the only measure of success in the gaming industry and that Gearbox has provided ample support for "Tiny Tinas Wonderlands." He also mentioned that they hope to release additional content such as large-scale campaigns for "Tiny Tinas Wonderlands," but due to resource constraints, they cannot achieve this goal at present. This is because they are focusing their resources on developing "Borderlands 4." It should be noted that while "Borderlands 4" was officially announced during recent Cologne International Game Fair (科隆国际游戏展), it had already started development by the time of "Tiny Tinas Wonderlands.")